Transgender — a few penetrating questions

Okay – I’ve consolidated my thoughts on the transgender debate, and I have some penetrating questions to ask:

First I will state what I learned in biology class:

Your sex is in your genes, so every cell in your body is proclaiming your sex.  You cannot change your genes, so you cannot change your sex.

Question 1:

Since these people cannot change their genes and therefore cannot change their sex, wouldn’t the most compassionate, loving thing to do for them be to help them accept what they are?

Question 2:

Is this just a way for greedy people in the medical establishment to make money?  Tell people they can change their sex and then charge lots of money for drugs and hormones and surgeries?

Question 3:

I am very glad all this gender confusion was not around when I was pioneering as the only girl in the electricity class in high school and often the only woman in my engineering classes in university, and then one of the few women engineers at General Motors.   I wasn’t trying to be a man – I just didn’t see any reason why a woman couldn’t be an engineer.   Now, I’m very curious whether STEM-talented girls are being persuaded that they should change their gender.  Wouldn’t that be undoing what I and other STEM women have done, to change the stereotype that engineers must be male?

Author: meiguoaqma

from Dayton, Ohio, USA; married to a Malaysian Chinese man, who grew up speaking five languages; three children, raised mostly in China.

One thought on “Transgender — a few penetrating questions”

  1. The most loving thing would be to warn them they are deceived and to seek biblical truth about our roles. Gender dysphoria is a mental problem, not a thing to be normalized or affirmed. Yes, we love them, warn them, help them, but affirm their mental illness as normal… no. I should not be made to participate in their deception, I cannot call an obvious he… a she. That is a lie.


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