Bed wetting: Get up for your child 

All three of our children went through a period of bed wetting some time in their elementary school age.  After unsuccessfully trying a couple of discipline methods, I said to myself, “I got up in the middle of the night when my child was a baby; I can do it again now.” When the child went to bed, I would set myself an alarm for the time when I thought my child’s bladder would be full. When the alarm went off, I would get up, get the child out of bed and help him to the bathroom to urinate, then help him back to bed. After a couple of months, the problem dissipated, and I didn’t need to get up at night any more.

Author: meiguoaqma

from Dayton, Ohio, USA; married to a Malaysian Chinese man, who grew up speaking five languages; three children, raised mostly in China.

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