Peace at mealtime — the 5-minute rule

Have you ever noticed that the first few minutes of a family meal are the most prone to quarrels?  I also noticed that the children would ask their father questions when he would like to be eating.  So I created the:

five-minute rule: during the first five minutes of a meal, no talking is allowed.

Of course, things directly related to eating are allowed, such as, “Please pass the soy sauce,” or, “Is this the right amount of rice for you?”

When the timer rings, I announce, “Okay– pleasant, edifying conversation may take place.”

Loaded questions, complaints, irritations and such need to wait for a family meeting.

Everybody’s food digests better this way.

Proverbs 17:1 Better a dry crust with peace and quiet, than a house full of feasting, with strife.

Author: meiguoaqma

from Dayton, Ohio, USA; married to a Malaysian Chinese man, who grew up speaking five languages; three children, raised mostly in China.

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