How to form calluses without getting blisters 

Every year when the weather turns warm, I want to wear sandals.  I know the sandals will rub my feet in places they’re not used to being rubbed, so I bring along some bandaids or plasters or tape. As I walk, I can soon start to feel the irritation of the rubbing.  I let it continue until it’s almost painful, then I stop and put a bandaid on the spot, to protect it from further rubbing that day.

The next day I start without the bandaid and follow the same procedure: walk until almost-pain again, then apply a plaster.  After a few days of this procedure, I have developed calluses, and don’t need to use plasters any more.

To get calluses, you need the irritation, but a blister will set you back.  If you get a blister, then you have to wait for the blister to heal before you try again.

Baking soda is useful! How to buy it cheaply in China

In our household we use baking soda not only for baking, but also for:

  • deodorant
  • toothbrushing
  • mouth sores
  • sore throats

In China, one can find expensive baking soda at the western-food shops, or inexpensive baking soda in grocery stores and markets, near the flour and rice. It is called ‘xiao3 su1 da3’ 小苏打, and a packet sells for a few yuan.

Safe way to clean out ear wax

Got too much ear wax?  Hydrogen peroxide to the rescue!  Lay the patient on her side, drop a few drops of hydrogen peroxide into the ear, and let it bubble until it stops bubbling.  Hold a tissue to the ear while sitting up, so that the liquid and ear wax drains onto the tissue.  Can be repeated as many times as the patient has patience for.

  • Hydrogen peroxide is called ‘shuang1 yang2 shui3’ 双氧水  in Chinese.  You can get a small bottle at any drug store for just a few yuan!OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA