How to form calluses without getting blisters 

Every year when the weather turns warm, I want to wear sandals.  I know the sandals will rub my feet in places they’re not used to being rubbed, so I bring along some bandaids or plasters or tape. As I walk, I can soon start to feel the irritation of the rubbing.  I let it continue until it’s almost painful, then I stop and put a bandaid on the spot, to protect it from further rubbing that day.

The next day I start without the bandaid and follow the same procedure: walk until almost-pain again, then apply a plaster.  After a few days of this procedure, I have developed calluses, and don’t need to use plasters any more.

To get calluses, you need the irritation, but a blister will set you back.  If you get a blister, then you have to wait for the blister to heal before you try again.

Author: meiguoaqma

from Dayton, Ohio, USA; married to a Malaysian Chinese man, who grew up speaking five languages; three children, raised mostly in China.

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